Quick Summary:
The teachers of the law were trying
to stump Jesus, so they asked him what commandment was the most important one.
Jesus answered “Love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love
your neighbor as yourself.”
The Point:
The Greatest
Commandments: Love God and Love others
Questions for Family
1. What are the two most important
a. Love
God, Love others.
2. Why are they the most important ones?
Because they are all the other ones simplified.
3. How do you love God?
(by spending time with him, by following his rules, by
putting him first)
4. How do you love others?
(Say nice things, help, give a gift, spend time/play with them, hug them.)
Jesus said love summed up the 613
commandments in the Old Testament. When you look at the 10 Commandments, they
seem to follow in these two categories of love as well. The first half are
about how we love God and the second half are about how we love each other. The
one thing over and over and over that God tells us to do is to love.
outlined four ways to love God: 1. Love him with all your heart. 2. With all
your soul. 3. With all your mind. 4. With all your strength. We are to love him
with our emotions, with our spiritual lives, with our thinking, and with our
doing. There should be no part of our life that is separate from our
relationship with God. In fact the Apostle Paul said it was pointless to do anything
without it being in and through love.
But Jesus doesn’t stop with this commandment. He could. He was only asked the most important commandment. But he goes on to say the second most important commandment is to love others. In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus tells us that how we treat others is how we treat Jesus. When we love others, we love Jesus. That is how important it is to God that we treat others with love.
Personal Reflection:
How do you love God with your heart?
With your soul? With your mind? With your strength? How do you love others as
you love yourself?