Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas Party

It's our Christmas Party! 
Christmas is all about Jesus birth, so today we are starting with the KICK tradition of Jesus' birthday cake. Everyone gets a cupcake and birthday candle. We sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and blow out our candles. Then enjoy them with ice cream. 

After we finish our snack, we divide into 4 groups and go around to stations to learn about the people and places surrounding Jesus's birth. Each station has an activity. Check out our stations below: 
Mary and Joseph
Mary and Joseph were not even married when angels came to each of them. The angels told them that they would be parents to God’s son. They were to name him Jesus, which means, “God saves”. He would be called “Emmanuel” which means, God with us. What a big responsibility! They both agreed to do their best at being Jesus parents.

If you were Mary and Joseph, What would you name Jesus? Write the name on the name tag and put on bulletin board.
When Mary was very pregnant, she and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. That was where Joseph’s family was from, and they had to go there for a census. A census is when people are counted for the government. So many people were there, that by the time Joseph and Mary arrived, there wasn’t a free room to be found! So when Jesus was born he was put in a manger, where cows are fed.

Travel to Bethlehem, Sign the Census.

The shepherds were working the night shift watching their sheep, when angels appeared. The angel told them that the Messiah, the one who would save them, was in the world. They would find him wrapped in cloths, lying in a manger. Sure enough, they followed the angel’s instructions and found baby Jesus.

Put together craft of the scene the shepherds found at the manger.


There were some men called Magi (like the beginning of Magician) who studied stars. They believed that when a new star appeared in the sky, it meant a new king was born. Sure enough, when Jesus was born, a new star was born too. They followed that star to where Jesus lived. They brought Jesus gifts fit for a king: Frankincense, Gold, and Myrrh.

Wrap a gift for Jesus and put under Christmas Tree.


After we finish with stations, we are going to sing some Christmas songs together. The KICK leaders also have a present for each kid. The supplies for these presents were donated by LaFontaine UMC members. 

Merry Christmas!
See you in 2018!