Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Lesson 5: Water and Manna

Exodus 15:22-16:18

Quick Summary
            The Hebrews are free from Pharaoh’s rule but are now stuck in the desert without food or water. They complain because they have nothing to drink, and God gives them water. They complain because they have no food and God give them meat for supper and bread for breakfast. The bread which falls from heaven as dew in the morning is called Manna.

The Point
God will provide.

Questions for Family Time
1.     What did God provide for the Israelites/Hebrews in the desert?
a.      Water, quail (meat), manna (frosted flakes, bread)
2.     What has God provided for you?

Our Song for today:
I hunger and thirst for you, I hunger and thirst for you.
In the desert of my need, you’re the fountain that I seek.
You’re the living water I keep running to.
I hunger and thirst for you, I hunger and thirst for you.

I hunger and thirst for you, I hunger and thirst for you.
Heaven’s Manna, Bread of Life, fill the emptiness inside
Nothing else can satisfy me like your do.
 I hunger and thirst for you, I hunger and thirst for you.

            My daughter was 4 months old when I got a call from the emergency room. My husband had been working in construction when a table saw on his work site fell off of its makeshift stand and deeply cut his fingers. With the rest of the week off to recuperate, we went to visit his parents over the weekend and came home to get the call Monday morning that he had been fired. That Thursday, we got another call that his mother had passed away. After two funerals and two weeks away from home, we came home to discover our electricity had been out and all of our perishable food had perished. Our credit cards were maxed out and we had no income. It was the desert of our need.
God fed us in that desert. A Methodist woman came by with groceries to fill our house. Our church provided baby clothes. Most miraculous of all, within a week we got a call about a church in need of a pastor. We had sent that resume long enough before that we had forgotten we sent it.
God met our every need, just as he met the need of the Hebrews in the desert. God doesn’t promise life will be smooth sailing when we trust in him. But when we trust him, he provides what we NEED to get through the desert.     

Personal Reflection
1.     What deserts has God fed you in?

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